Friday, November 13, 2009

From Emails to Phone Calls to......Love??

April 2005

IVY - That was how it all started. Click for previous post - You've Got Mail.

One email to say hello.
One email of friendship.
One email of hope.
One email of an eventual love.

I was quite excited to receive Jeh's email. Don't really know why but I guess he was my one link to all the new friends that I got to know in Dallas. Even though excited about the email, I wanted to act a bit cool too. I decided to take one or two days before replying.

The funny thing was Jeh's email came a few days before I came back to Malaysia. He probably thought how come I have not replied his email after so many days? Did I get his email, or I was just ignoring him :)?

One day after I saw his email, Jeh sent me a 2nd email. I realized he was probably anxious on whether I received his earlier email or not? So I decided to email back quickly.

One email led to another and another and another and another and soon we truly were writing about our life stories, our interests, likes, dislikes, our families, fears, past, present and future. I felt a strong sincerely in his writings and I poured out the same in mine.

Before we knew it, daily emails were what we looked forward to and writing emails occupied most of our time. Trust me, we wrote a lot of emails!!

Then we started texting each other and yup there were a lot of texting.

The first phone call? After a month of writing pages and pages of thesis of our lives, I must say I was anxious to talk to him. I remember dropping some hints in my emails about calling each other but hmmm still no calls from him even though in his emails he has given his number and said to call him anytime. I waited for him to make the move but one day, I was in the office and feeling extremely bored and impatience, on an impulse I called him!!

I think I took him by surprise so the conversation was a little awkward. LOL!!

From then on, there was no turning back. Emails continued everyday, text messages, phone calls every day.

What was happening? Is this LOVE?

JEH - After the first email came back, I was extremely happy. Ivy seemed like she was busy and just got time to reply me an short email. She told me that she wanted to take her time to properly email me a long and deserving email.

When the second and long email came it was really breathtaking. It seems like we were on the same wave length and we both wanted to talk to each other. It just seemed easy. When I opened up to her with things that I do, dream that I dreamt of doing, she replied with similar intentions. We somehow clicked and it made things easy to progress.

After the emails starts pouring out both ways, my daily anticipation was just to receive her emails. Each and every little or long email....we got a little closer. It seemed so natural to want to talk and talk to each other. Almost like a big onion with a lot of layers being peeled piece by piece away.

First phone call from Ivy was a shock. I did not anticipate that she will be calling. It just felt different. Because email we can pre-plan what we want to write and edit it before we sent it out. But the one to one talk LIVE was different. It is more personal but also a bit of first. Not because I do not want to talk to her but just not an email. We talked but I remembered it was short and a bit embarrassing. I think I was a bit shy shy lah...he he he. But I was happy...giddy and just bursting with joy at the same time. SHE CALLED ME. So cool right?

I think after months of communicating with each other, we could feel where it was leading to. I wanted it to lead there but is she also going to the same destination?

I wanted to believe this relationship will work but does long distance really work?? But strangely, I was not worried but just anxious and happy that we have progressed so far. Optimism maybe? Yes it was optimism. Optimism that we will be together soon...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

You've Got Mail

April 2005

IVY : - The US vacation was fantastic- visited San Francisco, Dallas, Orlando Florida, Washington DC and New York before flying home. Truthfully of all the places I visited, I prefered Dallas the best. There was something about the calm and yet easy going life. I even considered maybe I should just give up my job and go over to Dallas to study a Masters program. I was kinda sick of my job at that point in time and that US vacation was much needed.

Dallas was fun namely because it was filled with preparations for KC and Tina's wedding. Also I was staying with family and got to live a "proper American life" for about a week, so that was good. As you read in the previous postings, I met Jeh as he was the best man at the wedding. We interacted a few times during those few days and then I left for the rest of my vacation in other US states before heading home to Malaysia. I did think about all the guys I met at the wedding (ahem!!) and was wondering how I could keep in touch with them. I remember I gave my email to Jeh during the wedding dinner, ah one link to all the friends I met there.

Well, I could ask KC but then too shy to ask him for his friends contacts, right?? Hehehe..

Anyway, I did not think too much of it cos after a 3 weeks vacation I was back to work, work and more work. As I was clearing the hundreds of emails in my office inbox, I saw an email from Jeh! Hurray! He wrote to me! *grin*

Even though I was esctatic inside, but I decided to be cool. Let me take some time to answer the email. Give it a few days. :)

JEH - Below is my first email to Ivy. This is how it all started.

Hi Ivy,

Jeh here!! So how was your trip to Orlando, NY and DC. I bet you are all exhausted and ready for some downtime again. Tell me all about your trip...tower of terror, a bug's life ride...and so on. Here has been quite quiet after you gals left, except maybe talking about the aftermath of the wedding. I really really really hope that things will be fine.

Just saw Sin City today....WOW! This is all I can say. I really liked it. It was ultra violent but the story and the characters are so rich and indepth. If you have a chance, catch it. It might not be your cup of tea though. So any good chinese movie out in Malaysia?

Class is over last Tuesday...YAHOO!!!! I will not be going back until Fall 05. Until then I can enjoy sometime off and do my own things. I have a tons of books that I bought that I have not had a chance to even start it. So sad...:((

Please send me the photo to this account or Work is Any one is OK.

I am really glad that I get to know you. It would not have be so much fun if you were not there. All I can say is that I enjoy the whole time and it was a blast. Thanks again.
