March 2005
JEH : The first time I met Ivy was when I was eating BBQ at KC's (Ivy's cousin, the guy who's getting married, I was his best man) house.
I still remember that Ivy had actually went out and came back later with some food stuff for the BBQ. Hmmmm... my first thought was "Who is she? Must be either KC's sister or his cousin sister that he has been talking about all the time."
Well, she caught my eyes but as a guy, you have to act cool a bit. No smile and not much interaction. Just stay cool and talk to the guys first.
Ivy was very attentive and put a lot of effort on making my dying corsage look better. I think I totally lost my corsage after a couple of run around with the bride's maid game in front of the in-laws house. Thanks to Ivy again, she is there to rescue me again with a new one. I think it was because of our close proximity eye contact that helped the sparks to turn to fire. At least for me that is. It was too late to pull back. I think I am infatuated with her by now.

When all the ceremonies were done, we were ready to party down with the Chinese dinner. As the best man it is customary to take a few drinks for the I was prepared. But on the side I had to take the opportunity to get to know Ivy better.
When we were sitting down for dinner, I wanted to make sure I sat beside her. I managed to do just that. Some people were a bit suspicious because bride's maids and groom's men were supposed to sit together or side by side. But we were all off everywhere and we sat wherever we wanted or at least I sat exactly where I wanted to sit. We chatted a bit and I knew that Ivy would be flying off to Florida, New York and Washington for the rest of her vacation after Dallas.
My goal for that nite was at least get her email address. I had a couple of drinks and it helped with the confidence. So I leaned over and acted like I accidently asked her about her email, something about keeping in touch. I handed her my cell phone for her to input her email and she graciously gave it to me. HURRAY!. Step 1 succeeded. Time to party......
IVY :- We met at the wedding and since we were all helping out at KC's wedding, Jeh and I met a couple of times. So, what really happened? Fireworks!! Love at first sight! Uncontrollable passion!! haha! No such thing. We were very civil and polite and infact to me, he was just one of the guys at the wedding.

Anyway, that was it, I met Jeh a couple of times during the wedding, we talked a bit but then after the wedding, I left to for the rest of my US holiday in Florida, Washington and New York before heading home to Malaysia. I thought that was the last of my Dallas trip.
I went back to Malaysia. I received an email. That was how it all started.....