IVY : I was nerdy as a young teenager, shy, quiet and a bit reserved. With a set of really horrendous looking teeth that needed orthodontic treatment, I would say my braces saved me. :) Suddenly being able to open my mouth without hesitation, probably took a lot of the shyness away. hehe! I blossomed in my late teen years (yeah I was a late bloomer) with my first serious crush. Haha.. a crush that I never acted upon, it was fun and torturing at the same time :) all the works of an innocent infatuation. But the best memories were still the fabulous times, just being carefree and acting silly as school girls.

I had fun in my 20s. University life was just fantastic, I was busy in projects and had many guy friends (some... in hot pursuit for me..haha) but we just ended as good friends. I don't think I was ready for a serious relationship and everyone to me was a good friend. Some of my guys friends from university days remain my best buddies till now.

Then my work life began and there was no turning back. Working in a multinational company meant that I spent a lot of hours at work even weekends. It was by choice but that did not mean I did not have a personal life. I partied, I went out, hung out, social-social, travelled... all the works. In and out one or two relationships that I knew would never last and then by mid twenties, I decided that no more relationships unless it is the ONE. I am also very picky and very choiceful on whom I dated. Time flew by and then I hit my 30s.

Hitting my 30s and not married, and with not even a "potential man" in sight has its ups and downs. "Ups" are when I am having the time of my life with my friends, "downs" are when others are nagging me about when I am going to settle down. As days, weeks and month go by, conversations with my single girl friends would be..."where is the ONE? What happened to all the good men? we gotta do something, organize a singles party, let's meet up with this guy/that guy etc etc. " No matter what, me and my BFFs always have a great time hanging out and gossipping!

So, where was my Mr Right? I knew that God had a plan. I just needed to be patient and have faith.
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